Well, the month of Janus is upon us and with that, it's time to reflect on the happenings of the year past and speculate on the one to come. Here is the monthly blow-by blow of the year that most of us would like to forget:
- I'm quite sure a whole lot of fascinating things happened in the first month of 2008, but I had an Ilizarov frame bolted to my lower left leg at the end of December--so I spent the better part of January in the quiet comfort of a morphine haze. I'm really not qualified to comment on any of the happeniongs of this month.
- SPORTS--The New England Patriots,weary from constantly winning football games, take a much needed break and lose one to the NY Giants. Unfortunately, it's the only game of the season that really counts--bad timing, that one...
- POLITICS-- Super Tuesday! arrives at the polls. As usual, most Americans know more about the American Idol contestants than they do about the politicians running in the party primaries. Maybe we should bring back the 'talent' portion of the campaign vetting process.
- ENTERTAINMENT--The Writer's Guild of America reaches a tentative bargaining agreement with the major Hollywood studios, ending the 3 month old writer's strike. During the strike, the viewing public is fed a steady diet of reality programming, re-runs, movies, live sports shows and news. No one realizes the difference.
- ECONOMY--The phrases 'sub-prime mortgage' and 'crisis' are suddenly linked together forever in the popular lexicon as Chase aquires Bear Stearns on St. Paddy's day for $2 a share--proving that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow-- if you just drink enough green beer. What could possibly go wrong?
- WORLD--China crushes an uprising in Bhuddist Tibet (again). It is estimated that over 100 people have been killed during the unrest. In a strange case of instant karma, the godless nation of China is rocked by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake on March 21st.
- PERSONAL-- For the 536th time, I vow to quit smoking, and I mean it this time! Unfortunately, 2 days into the venture I decide it's really not a good time because of my hectic schedule (what with all the new video game releases, and what not...)
- WORLD--Pirates hijack a French yacht off the coast of Somalia. France demands to know the terms of surrender...
- ECONOMY-- The US consumer confidence index falls again in April due to the public being bombarded daily by media reports that consumer confidence is falling again
POLITICS-- Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are running a tight race in the Democratic primary. Meanwhile, on the Republican side, George Bush takes a commanding lead over George Bush . George Bush drops out of the race due to lack of interest in his candidacy. Both Democrats promise to defeat George Bush wherever and whenever they encounter him during the upcoming election.
PERSONAL--I vow to stop wasting my time on so much video game playing, and concentrate more on my smoking addiction